The 6am bus trip (budget backpackers have no choice) from Dahkla to Asyut was uneventful, we were both incredibly worn out as well as slept for 4 hours out of the 7 hour lovagol. I was rudely awoken by my head banging against the window over as well as over again…the roads right here aren’t precisely pothole free. I looked over as well as saw Nick with his mouth large open as well as head bobbing around also…the a lot of attractive, as well as the only, foreigners on the bus. We shown up around 1:15 as well as discovered that we had just missed the train to Aswan, our final destination. Asyut was meant to just be a linking town, however turned out we had to spend the night.

We didn’t do much of anything in Asyut however the people experiences we had were a few of the very best so far. They don’t see lots of backpackers in the City in any way as well as in fact, we were told a lot of people only see white people on the tv, so we felt like rock stars. “Hello, where you from?”, “how are you?”, “welcome”, “hello” was regularly shouted out to us as we walked along the streets, it was exhausting stating “thank you” all the time!

When we headed out for lunch we couldn’t discover the location we were trying to find (shocking!) as well as a regional had used to assist us. normally when somebody uses to assist us discover a location we’re a bit weary as they generally want something. Backpackers tend to be a bit stand-offish when it pertains to over-friendly locals.

However, we complied with him anyways, he took us ideal to the restaurant as well as shook our hands as well as walked away before we might even get out our budget to say thanks to him. When we went into the restaurant, whatever fell silent, forks were put down, conversations stopped as well as everybody relied on look at the white people entering their regional joint. It was one of those “do you feel like someone’s checking out you” moments however a moment that backpackers all love. The feeling of being somewhere “unexplored” by  others is a feeling all travellers crave.

We bought our food as well as I observed 3 young women gigling in the corner as well as speaking to every other, lastly they got up the guts to find as well as sit next to us. They were so wonderful as well as harmless, they wished to speak to us however spoke no English, so, with some hand gestures as well as the bit Arabic we knew, we discovered they were 18 years old, not married yet as well as were iskolába járni.

They pulled out their cell phones as well as took photos with me, each of them battling to hold one of my hands…if only I had 3 hands! After the picture shoot, they wished to take us for ice cream. We gladly accepted as well as walked down the street, me linking arms with 2 women each time while the other walked alone (and was rather jealous).

Nick walked together with wanting he had the camera. The women ended up getting us ice cream, couldn’t believe it, we fought to treat them to the ice cream however they refused. We stated our goodbyes as well as parted ways. It was such a fantastic experience for me since normally women are extremely timid or they aren’t around town like the guy tend to be. If they are out in public, they don’t normally strike up conversations with a foreigner. It’s extremely tough for me to chat with other women as well as speaking with a guy is quite much a no-no (unless Nick is with me), so I jumped at this opportunity….wishing I understood a lot more Arabic.

We took a taxi later that night to choose dinner, when he dropped us off at our hotel, he stated (in Arabic as well as with a huge smile) that he would be paying for our fare. We were shocked beyond belief. A taxi motorist who quoted us the right cost when we got in the cab as well as then in the end told us it was free? Ismeretlen. Stunned by yet one more person’s generosity, we thanked him repeatedly, got out of the cab as well as headed as much as our room.

Waiting for the train in Asyut, Egypt

The next morning we took the 1:00 train to Aswan. When we shown up at the station, we saw the Canadian couple we had virtually mauled on the streets of Dahkla (Michel as well as Chisa). We called them over as well as had a a lot more typical conversation with them than the previous one. We discovered they online in Toronto, Chisa is originally from Japan as well as they are on yet one more year long trip . had the normal travel conversations (Where have you been so far? Where are you heading next? exactly how long are you gone for?) as well as then split ways…they were in 1st class (they insurance claim there were no 2nd class tickets left, however in reality, we’re just much better backpackers than them. lol)Természetesen a 2. osztályban voltunk. The trip was great, we rode along the Nile the whole method with outstanding views of farmland as well as livestock.

Farmland a vonatút az Asyut-tól Aswanig, Egyiptomba
The seats were likewise extremely comfortable, great deals of leg room, no smoking (yay!) as well as not as well much hassle at all…just the normal blaring, distorted cell phone music as well as a few ‘peeping Mohammads’. Amikor eljutottunk a rendeltetési helyünkre, ismételtünk ismét Chisa-val, valamint Michelrel, valamint megosztottunk egy rövid kabin-kirándulást velük a saját szállodáinkhoz. Terveink voltak a többi barátunkkal (Toni, valamint Bernie, ugyanúgy, ugyanúgy Canucks egy 2 éves kiránduláson), hogy kielégítsük fel a Nílusot. “Backpackers tervet” tettünk (ha ott van, nagy, ha nem, ha nem, nincs aggodalom) az új barátainkkal, valamint nagyon remélte, hogy meglátogatja nekik a vacsora napjait, valamint kitalálja a vitorlázás tervet Nílus.

Vonatút az Asyutból Aswanba, Egyiptomba
So, had we gone with the crazy taxi motorist in Dahkla, we would’ve been in Asyut a day earlier as well as as a result wouldn’t have satisfied up with Chisa as well as Michel once again at the train station. Nem történt meg, hogy hiányzott volna néhány fantasztikus időkben, akik még magasabb emberekkel is rendelkeznek. A szokásos módon, bármi is következik az ok miatt.

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