, miután a Bahariya közelében lévő rendkívüli sivatagokkal hátizsákkal járunk, még egy szép sivatagi oázisra folytattuk a Dahkla-t, a Backpacker’s Haven-t. A busszal Bahariya-ban való beszállása előre láttunk egy meglehetősen gyors 6 órás buszútra Dahkla felé. De, mint egy csomó egyiptomi buszjárat, véget ért, hogy egy kicsit hosszabb ideig egy összességében 9 óra. When buses go longer than expected as well as don’t stop anywhere however at snack shops, we commonly end up running on breakfast up until late at night. Dariece képes kezelni, de hajlamos, hogy egy kicsit szörnyű, ha csak néhány óránként nem evettem, így az idő végül az Mut, Dahkla városba kerültem, Dahkla, én kopott, és az éhesek is voltak várjon, hogy kapjon egy szobát.
Szerencsére a buszmotoros rendkívül nagy volt, és eldobott minket ideális előtt a szálloda előtt, hogy maradjunk. A szállodában üdvözöltük a szállodát, amit az Egyiptomban bárhol üdvözöltünk, mint egyiptomban, mint a család. A young guy named Muhammed showed me a couple of rooms, one a regular, basic, hotel style space with three little beds as well as a shower room in the hallway outside. A másik, egy rendkívül hűvös sár tégla stílusú bungaló, ami úgy tűnt, mint valami a flintstonákból. A polcok, ablakok, valamint az ágykeret mind a salak, valamint a só pontos sapkolt keverékétől mind a só. Ez a tér teljesen beleesett a hátizsákos költségvetésünkbe. Rendkívül nagyszerű hely.
Tényleg nagy hely a Dahkla, Egyiptom.
The next day we avoided the friendly hotel staff’s persuasive uses for a excursion around the area (a bit as well touristy for us budget plan backpackers) as well as set out on our own to inspect out the old city of Quasr. Quasr városa még egy ősi sivatagi város, amely teljesen sárból készült. Vannak, akik még mindig online vannak a dörzsölő falakon belül, de a többség az utcán kívüli úttestekbe költözött a régi labirintuson kívül.
Nem sok időt töltöttünk az óvárosban, mivel most már inkább néhány sárfalvárat láttunk, valamint bár mindannyian mások, nem minden igényt napok felfedezni. Tehát kiabáltunk az elsődleges útra kiterjedő gazdaságokba. Mint az Egyiptomi helyszínen, nem sok sokat kap a megvert útról.
Hagyjuk, hogy egy kicsit elveszítsük a szűk ösvényeket, amelyek a gyönyörű, termékeny mezőgazdasági területekkel rendelkeznek az oázis körül. Swam egy lenyűgöző természetes forró tavasszal, egyetlen hibája volt a gigantikus generátor, amely hangosan rágódott, hogy létrehozza smaragd vízáramlását. A félreeső tavasszal való merülés után még a mezőgazdasági területek is is mentünk, és ezért úgy éreztük, mintha továbbra is visszajövünk. guy crouched down harvesting the different crops that glowed an nearly fluorescent green, donkeys hee’d as well as hawed loudly in displeasure, as well as small spring fed rivers ran with the lawn as well as along the banks splitting the earth into best sections with türkiz ragyogása.
Rendkívül régi sár mecset, Quasr, Egyiptom
vándorlás a kvesr város keskeny utcáival, Egyiptomban
Séta a Farmland körül Quasr falu, Egyiptom.
Hűtés a természetes forró források körül Quasr falu, Egyiptom.
The additionally we got from the primary road in this already secluded town, the additionally we discovered ourselves in the genuine Egypt. Az Egyiptom, amely maradt, lényegében változatlan, számtalan éve. Sokkal többet kaptunk a valódi Egyiptomba, annál sokkal több félelmetes bámult, amit a helyiekből kaptunk. Mindegyike biztosan csak megértette a “Hello” vagy “Welcome” szót, amelyet büszkén kiáltottak, ahogy sétáltunk. thankfully our Arabic vocabulary is broad sufficient to understand that “shai” indicates tea as well as we were used in to a young farmer’s house to take pleasure in a cup of his finest. A kis kunyhó alig magasabb volt, mint én, és ránézett a szenzációs környezetbarát menta farmjára, a masszív homok hátterével, valamint a sziklákkal körülvevő sziklákkal, amelyek körülveszi a területet, a nagy homokdűnék, amit most véget vetünk annyira hasznosítani. Igazán egy millió dolláros nézet. Miután leereszkedtünk, és elmentünk a kis sárkuházba, sétáltunk a nappalival / hálószobájával, valamint az otthonában, a konyhában / étkezőben.
Megállt egy “shai” -ra, rendkívül barátságos egyiptomi emberrel. Quasr, Egyiptom.
A sár otthona nem volt ágy, valamint bútorok. Megfigyeltem, hogy a takarókat a másik tér padlóján állították be, amikor leültem a padlón a konyhájában. Az egyetlen fajta funkció az egész otthonban volt egy kis polc, amely sárból készült, amely a 4 csésze, egy pár tányér, egy táska tea, valamint néhány edény. Megvilágítottin the corner of the space where he heated up a pot of tea. He understood no English, not even hey there or welcome, however we got by on the bit Arabic we’ve chosen up in our time backpacking with Arabic countries. His name was Muhammed (along with half of the male Egyptian population) he has one other half as well as one infant girl. He lives in the hut for a few months farming as well as brings back the money to support his little family. The guy has less than maybe any type of guy I have ever met, as well as yet he was ready to show me a cup of the only thing he appeared to have, tea. The tea was completed just as my pathetic attempts at Arabic ran out. We stated our goodbyes, as well as not for one minute did I sense that he desired anything a lot more than our company. With a huge smile he shook my hand as well as stated “Ma’salama”, good-bye. Yet one more remarkable travel as well as discovering experience I will never forget.
Farmland around Quasr, Egypt.
The rest of the day we wondered around the farms as well as took pleasure in a lot more tea from the friendly regional farmers in the area. when we felt that we couldn’t bear one more glass we headed back to Mut by means of minibus. As normal the tiny bus motorist tried to fee us about 5 times the regional rate for the ride, however thankfully a young Egyptian guy from Cairo stood up for us as well as made sure we paid only 1 pound 25 paisers. about 20 cents. Upon returning to Mut we knew that we weren’t rather where we were meant to be so Dariece asked a couple of regional women to assist us. regrettably their English likewise did not span past hey there as well as welcome so instead they waved us down a taxi. We truly just wished to walk since we were close as well as are exceptionally affordable however since they had already flagged it down we figured we’d hop in as well as pay the little charge to get us back to our hotel. nevertheless when the taxi stopped the young women pulled out their wallets as well as proceeded to pay the taxi driver. We argued with the women that we wished to pay however they insisted as well as no matter exactly how difficult we tried they wouldn’t take any type of of the money we held out to them. So, shocked as well as touched by their generosity, we hopped in the cab as well as went home.
Enjoying the business of some hospitable Egyptian men. Quasr, Egyiptom.
Later that night we were heading out for some tea as well as sheesha when young Muhammed, the hotel worker, asked if we would mind if he joined us. He spoke extremely great English as well as seemed like a truly great youngster so we agreed. It’s great travelling with a regional since not only do you get a experienced guide, however you immediately get Egyptian cost for whatever you buy. Muhammed pertained to the restaurant as well as insisted that we not get him anything there however we did anyways. He told us about his household as well as his way of life in the oasis. He would like to someday travel to Canada however for now has to research study his English, work, as well as assist support his mom since his daddy had died unexpectedly.
After our chats he walked us back to the hotel, however before we might get there a taxi pulled up as well as a large, rather sketchy guy got out as well as sauntered towards us. He declared he had brought tourists right here from Luxor as well as was now about to go back empty so he might provide us a great deal. usually we would promptly neglect him as well as continue on, however we understood that lots of taxis came from Luxor with tourists, as well as unavoidably had to go back empty, so they try to get any individual they can for nearly any type of cost just to get back to Luxor. He seemed a bit shady however after some bargaining we got him down to an extraordinary cost that was extremely difficult to pass up thinking about it would save us about 12 hours of rough Egyptian bus travel.
Beautiful view over the mud village of Mut, Dahkla, Egypt.
We got in the cab as well as headed to the bus station to cancel a ticket we had already bought to get us to Asyut the complying with day. On the method Muhammed continuously looked at us concerned, shaking his head, alerting us not to go. He kept stating it was as well expensive, however for us it was okay. nevertheless it provided us a poor feeling so aside from the ticket office being closed we were trying to find one more indication that this was not a great idea. Alas, the indication from Allah came just a few minutes later when we drove past a vacationer couple calmly walking down the sidewalk. We told the motorist to stop as well as the cab pertained to a screeching halt a few iNches a most fáradt utcai sétáló utazóktól. Dariece, valamint i, dollár jelzések csillognak a szemünkből, felkapaszkodva a fülkéből, valamint a gyanútlan hátizsákosok felé. – Hé, az emberek meg szeretnének megosztani a taxit?! mi hollered. just then the cab motorist got out to find join our sales pitch when a motorcyclist rammed head on into his now open motorist side door, dislodging it from its top hinge. Visszatekintünk, ahogy a kerékpáros visszanyertük a kezelést, és egyértelműen megsérült a sétányhoz. As our cab motorist apologetically joined the injured guy who was now sitting on the walkway next to us, we eagerly continued our conversation seemingly unfazed by the collision…probably since of the years of travel experience between us all.
“So, we have a cab as well as if all of us share it we might get it even more affordable than the bus as well as train” we suggested. Láthatjuk, hogy az új barátaink, akiket most felfedeztünk, kanadai, fáradtnak tűnt, és ajánlatunk véget ért, hogy kevésbé vonzódott, mint amilyennek a nyomon követi, hogy az autós majdnem megölte még egy autós. Folytattuk a beszélgetésünket, amíg udvariasan elutasították, és miután elmentünk a különféle módon. We told the cab motorist we would not be taking his offer and, unsurprisingly, he had the nerve to state “why?”
Egy rendkívül vicces megjelenésű szamár! Mut, Egyiptom
The next day we took the bus at 6 am for the long journey to the next town of Asyut,where we were intending to catch a train ideal away to Aswan. Azonban, mint a normál, nem inkább pontosan kiderült, hogyan terveztük. A Dahkla-nak, valamint a csodálatos / nevetséges tapasztalatoknak, akik ott voltak, a buszra is felszálltunk, és folytattuk az utat az ASYUT-re.
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